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Scott Ludlam: How to fight the climate crisis | Greenpeace Australia

Climate Justice Hero and former Australian Federal Senator Scott Ludlam, talks about how fighting for climate justice is more fun when you do it with others, and lucky there are lots and lots of climate activists, in Australia and around the world.

He says, “This is not going to be solved by policy tweaks, by incremental changes, by what happens in the Prime Minister’s Office… this is going to be solved by people power.”

And that, “There’s a place for everybody, like if you’re brand new to this, this isn’t necessarily going to mean you have to rappel down Sydney Harbour Bridge with a banner, if that’s your thing, then there’s a place for you, if that’s not your thing, there really is a place for everybody.”

“What is the thing that you love to do, that gives you energy, that gives you joy, that keeps you going? There will be a way of turning that energy into this movement.”

A great way to get started and make a difference is to get trained up at one of the upcoming Greenpeace training sessions, happening all around the country!


Written by Option

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