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'POWER PLAY' Trailer – A Greenpeace Documentary | Greenpeace Australia

🍿 REGISTER NOW to attend the FREE exclusive online premiere of ‘POWER PLAY: Transforming Australia’s biggest climate polluter’ – A new documentary by Greenpeace. Thursday 9 December at 6pm AEST:

‘POWER PLAY’ is a story about hope. It’s a story about collaboration. And it’s about how Greenpeace, together with a diverse group of people and organisations, took on Australia’s biggest climate polluter – and won.

Come behind the scenes of the strategic campaign against AGL and its leadership team; challenging the company’s false clean and green image, turning away its customers, threatening its funding sources, and convincing its shareholders to take action, in the most dramatic transformation in Australian corporate history.


Written by Option

Option ist eine idealistische, völlig unabhängige und globale “social media Plattform” zu Nachhaltigkeit und Zivilgesellschaft, 2014 gegründet von Helmut Melzer. Gemeinsam zeigen wir positive Alternativen in allen Bereichen auf und unterstützen sinnvolle Innovationen und zukunftsweisende Ideen – konstruktiv-kritisch, optimistisch, am Boden der Realität. Die Option-Community widmet sich dabei ausschließlich relevanten Nachrichten und dokumentiert die wesentlichen Fortschritte unserer Gesellschaft.

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